Medical Services
General medical services are available. Specialty clinics are available after being accepted as a medical patient. Specialty clinics include diabetes, blood pressure, ophthalmology, physical therapy, ear-nose-throat, urology, women’s clinics for pap smears, podiatry, dermatology, cardiology and pulmonary, and more. You can also connect to MyChart to communicate with your Matthew 25 medical provider.
Routine Wellness Checks
Vision Care and Screening
Diabetes Care
Cardiovascular Care
X-Rays and Radiology Services
Physical Therapy
Preventative Testing
Pharmacy Services
Health and Nutrition Education
Smoking Cessation
Mental Health Support
If you are experiencing a medical emergency, please call 911 or seek immediate medical care at a hospital emergency department.

How do I become a new medical patient?
Check the basic qualifications for becoming a medical patient.
Contact our Intake Eligibility Specialist at 260-426-3250 x202 to schedule an eligibility interview.
Gather your required documentation.
Basic Qualifications
Be 18 years of age or older
Be a resident in one of the following counties:
Indiana - Adams, Allen, DeKalb, Huntington, Kosciusko, LaGrange, Noble, Steuben, Wabash, Wells, Whitley;
Ohio - Defiance, Paulding, Van Wert, Williams
Have no medical insurance (including Medicaid, Medicare, or HIP)

Required Documentation
Photo identification (driver's license, employee ID, etc.).
Proof of all household income for one month
Most recent tax return (if filed).
Additional documentation may be needed based on individual circumstances.
The names, dosages, and frequency of all medications you are taking.
The Eligibility Specialist will inform you when the above documentation is due for registration as applications cannot be processed without them. You may not see a provider the same day that you register, but you will be given the first available appointment.
There is no fee charged to you for services at Matthew 25. However, to help defray the costs of the clinic, patients are asked if they would like to give a free-will donation of $10 for medical visits. This is not required for care.
Any tests or procedures performed at Matthew 25 are done without charge. If it needs to be done elsewhere, then special arrangements are made through Matthew 25 by giving you a “referral slip”, but you still may be responsible for some of the cost.